Broken Promises (The Broken Road Series Book 2) Read online

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  So that’s how he found out. “You just missed her and Shane. Shane will be back shortly,” I replied, hoping he’d get the message and bug out before Shane returned. I didn’t need another WWE brawl.

  He chuckled. “I don’t doubt that. No worries, I’m not here for a rematch from this morning. I’m just checking in on you.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. Knowing you, you probably looked at the police reports. Do you know what they say?”

  “Yeah, I spoke with the lead officer on the case. The guy, Gregory Sweeney, was charged with reckless endangerment, negligence, and a whole host of other traffic violations. His brakes were totally gone, that’s why he couldn’t come to a complete stop before hitting you. Aside from a few DUI’s, the guy is clean. The driver coming from the opposite direction was Marshall Fields, a sixty-five year old. He’s in for observation, but the docs say he should be released in a day or so. This could have been a whole lot worse. The carnage of all the vehicles tells a different story. All three are totaled.”

  Knowing the accident wasn’t intentional relieved some of my stress. “So this was purely an accident right?”

  Tommy raised his eyebrow. “Yeah, just an accident. Why would you think otherwise?”

  “It’s stupid, but Shane was worried that it was the Cartel coming after me again.”

  Tommy shook his head. “I haven’t seen any inkling that the Cartel is back in town. If anything, there’s a lot of noise down in Florida right now. There is a lot of in-fighting between the leaders. Everything is up in the air right now. Our informant says that other Cartels are picking up on the miscommunications and are using it to their advantage. You’re non-existent on their radar right now, babe.”

  If being invisible was ever a good thing, this is the time. “What about now, since Shane’s back? He knows too much. Won’t that up the ante?”

  “Doubtful. Again, there’s too much drama in the Cartel right now; too much distrust and animosity between the leaders. Going after Shane isn’t worth the risk or exposure. Remember, everything that went down over the summer is old news. New Cartels and gangs are encroaching on the Cruz’s territory. They are more worried about that than Shane.”

  “As long as you’re sure.”

  “Trust me, Megs; I want to bring these guys down as much as anyone else. But I sure as hell won’t risk your lives to do it. After Shane’s meeting tomorrow, that’s it. You guys are done with the situation. And I’ll be on the lookout if anything were to come up.”

  “Thanks Tommy,” I said softly just as his phone beeped. After checking his message, he swore under his breath. “What’s wrong?”

  Tommy grinned sheepishly. “I’m late. I am supposed to meet Jessica in ten minutes.”

  His boyish smile made me curious. “And who is Jessica?” I teased.

  “I met her at the shooting range last week. She’s cool.” Is that ‘guy speak’ for hot as hell? I laughed at his nervousness.

  “It’s rude to keep her waiting. Besides, Shane will be here soon anyway and I don’t want him to give you a black eye to go with your fat lip right before your date,” Tommy scoffed and then kissed me on my cheek again.

  “I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he said, turning and bumping right into Shane’s hard chest.

  “Tommy,” was Shane’s only response to the physical contact.

  “Shane,” Tommy replied with a nod. He turned, winked at me, and said “Later Megs.” He left, closing the door behind him.

  “Asshole,” Shane mumbled under his breath. I rolled my eyes and reached for the bag Shane carried. Thank my lucky stars; he brought my fleece socks, yoga pants and one of his hooded sweatshirts, as well as my e-reader. “What did he want?”

  Shane folded back my blanket and gently pulled the fleece socks over my frosty toes. Gratefully, I reveled in their warmth. “He wanted to check on me. Oh, and he gave me the gist of the police report.” I filled Shane in on the details Tommy told me. I also included the part about the Cruz Cartel.

  Shane rubbed his face tiredly. “It just sounds too good to be true. It’s entirely way too convenient.”

  Too exhausted to argue, I shrugged. “I’m going by what Tommy told me. He hasn’t given me any reason to distrust him.” Then I quickly changed the subject. “I appreciate the bag. Thanks.”

  “You’re most certainly welcome, although I can’t take credit. Your mom packed it. She mumbled something about how a man can live with just an extra pair of boxers and how guys can’t pack to save their lives.”

  Chuckling, I said, “Mom is so right. Before Dad passed away, he would go on his ‘boys’ weekends’; he would only pack beer and enough underwear to last him until he came home. No other socks, no jackets, no pants. And when he’d come home, Mom would make him undress in the garage because he reeked of booze, smoke, and woods. Of course, he’d weasel his way in the house and chase Mom, trying to give her ‘the stinky hug’. It was so gross and hilarious at the same time.”

  “Yeah, well. I know your mom well enough to know that I will never win an argument with her. So I will just nod my head, smile, and do what I’m told.”

  I smiled. “She’s trained you well. That’s good.”

  “She also packed some chicken soup and some of your seltzer water.” As he poured the soup into a bowl, his eyes turned to me. “Oh—by the way—I found out about the blue box.”

  I choked on my water and coughed at the mention of the blue velvet jewelry box—the box that contains my mother’s white gold, one carat diamond engagement ring. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. The last thing you need is pressure from her—”

  Shane’s laugh stopped me in mid-sentence. “Come on Megs. Do you honestly think I would trek across the country to make sure you’re okay and not marry you? Of course I want to propose, and thanks to your mom, I have a ring to do it with. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to do it right now, or anytime soon for that matter. Let’s get home and get everything straightened out with this mess we’re dealing with. And we’ll talk about it then.”

  He left me speechless. “Right, of course,” I stuttered, my mind already filled with images of dresses, rings, and white. The confirmation of his intentions eased what was left of my anxiety about our future. This is the man I am going to marry.

  Chapter 7

  After a sleepless night, I was discharged early the next morning with a prescription for a pregnancy-safe pain medication and a strict bed-rest order for the next few days. My Mom, Aunt Karen, and Uncle Bob waited into the kitchen while Shane made sure I was settled in bed before getting dressed to make his interview with Tommy on time.

  “Are you sure you want me to go? I’m sure Tommy can reschedule this. I mean hell, he waited this long. He can wait a little while longer,” Shane asked, straightening the navy blue tie. The grey pinstriped suit looked amazing on him, cut perfectly across his broad shoulders. He looked like he stepped out of a GQ magazine. I mentally wiped the drool from my lips.

  “Better to do it now and get it over with. Besides, I can’t ravage you anyway. I’m stuck in bed with a no-sex gag order and can barely move as it is. The only thing to do today is watch TV and listen to my aunt and mom cluck over me like chickens. I’m just sorry I can’t be with you,” I grumbled.

  “I know. I hate leaving you like this.” He leaned on the bed, his soft goatee tickling my skin as he nuzzled my neck.

  Closing my eyes, I slowly leaned my head back, giving him as much as he wanted. My hands clutched his head, holding him there. His groan vibrated against the most sensitive part of my neck, causing my body to grow hot. Knowing that the bed rest order wouldn’t last forever, I took pleasure in torturing him by running my fingernails through his hair, sending his body into quivers. Shifting his weight, Shane eased himself closer, his lips finding mine open for him. Our tongues clashed, deepening as his suit-covered erection pressed into my hip. With my blood boiling and the ache ever increasing, I ran my hand down his body to feed his need, cuppin
g what was hidden from my sight.

  “My God Megan, you’re going to be the death of me,” he muttered, pulling back.

  I gave him my most innocent smile. “You started it. I’m just giving back what I got from you.”

  “You’re trouble. That’s what you are.” He smoothed his hair down again and adjusted his pants. “I need a cold shower. Your uncle is going to take one look at me and think I’m a pervert or something.”

  “Think hockey. Think of Mrs. Saunders from across the street,” I chuckled helpfully, naming our eighty-six-year-old neighbor.

  Shane shivered. “That’ll do it.” He turned at the knock on the door. “And there’re your nurses, impatiently waiting for me to leave so they can dote on their patient.” He leaned over for quick kiss. “I love you, babe. I’ll be home soon.” Shane opened the door to my waiting aunt and mom, their arms crossed.

  “She’s all yours,” he said with a smile. He winked at me, then gave the ladies a wide berth to come in. I smiled dutifully, mentally counting the minutes until he’d come back. My mom and Aunt Karen are wonderful, don’t get me wrong. But they can be overbearing at times.

  After an hour of assuring my nurses that I was fine and no, I didn’t need pain medication, they finally left me alone. Penny was my lone companion, sleeping on her bed with her woobie tucked beside her. I watched reruns and waddled gingerly to the bathroom, but by the time three o’clock came around, I was bored out of my mind.

  I awoke to Shane’s voice downstairs, then the sound of the kitchen door closing. A few minutes later, his large frame appeared in the doorway.

  “Hey,” I said sleepily, “How did it go?”

  “All right I guess. I answered all their questions and they expunged my record. I’m no longer a convicted felon,” he said with a grin. He took off his tie and dropped it on the chair. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got hit by a car,” I smirked. “I’m okay, just sore. Katie is moving around nicely, making sure she gets all her favorite spots.” I replied, rubbing the mound on my stomach, presumably her rear end.

  “That’s good. Do you want some dinner? Your mom made butternut squash soup.” My stomach instantly growled. “I’ll take that as a yes. As soon as I change, I’ll bring some up.”

  Shane shucked off his suit pants and pulled off his navy shirt. The sight of his lean, muscular body sent an immediate shiver down my spine. The man is delicious, pure and simple. I wanted nothing more than to lick him all over, wanted to feel him inside of me, clenched between my legs. The image of him underneath me sent my body into overdrive. But thanks to my physical limitations and Dr. Vaughn’s strict no-sex order for one week, my need for Shane would go unfulfilled. Groaning, I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

  “What’s wrong? Do you need to get up?” Shane asked, rushing to my side.

  “Yeah, need to take a shower,” I grumbled, knowing a cold shower would be the only relief I would get at the moment. I gave a pointed look at the tent protruding from his boxer briefs and shook my head when he went to remove them. “By myself. I don’t trust that thing anywhere near me right now. I don’t think I can say no.”

  Chuckling, Shane walked over and pulled my nightshirt over my head. “Baby, I’m the king of self-control right now. As much as I would love to have you naked and screaming my name, I also know that you’re hurting. Plus, I heard what the doctor said. Trust me; the wait will be worth it.” His hand gently cupped my overflowing breasts. Sucking air in between my teeth, I steeled myself against the onslaught of arousal coursing through my veins. This is the female version of blue balls, I’m sure of it.

  “Argh! Seriously? You’re such a pain,” I rolled my eyes and pushed him back. I walked stiffly into the bathroom, turning on the water as hot as it could go. I know a cold shower would cure my craving for Shane, but a hot shower will help with the soreness in my back.

  I stood in the shower, the water easing the tension from my aching muscles. After drying off and changing into another nightshirt, I slid into bed right as Shane brought in a tray of food. The aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg sent my stomach into frenzy.

  “This smells amazing. Thank you,” I told him, pulling open the cracker pack he offered me. The piping hot soup was exactly what I needed. “You’re not going to eat?”

  “I’m good. Your uncle took me to Adam’s for a late lunch,” Shane replied with a smirk. I scowled at the thought of him enjoying my favorite pulled pork without me.

  I finished my soup and set the bowl aside. We settled in to watch the Food Network, which is not a good show to watch when you’re pregnant. No matter how much you’ve already eaten, watching a chef prepare something totally amazing sends your cravings into overdrive. As Bobby Flay finished with his steak nacho creation on the screen, I had to wipe the drool from my mouth. Shane gazed over at me, laughter in his eyes.

  “Mmmm, nachos,” I whispered. A resounding thump vibrated my lower belly. I absentmindedly rubbed the spot.

  “Do you want nachos?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

  “Nah. I’m good. I don’t need it.” I replied loftily, trying to convince myself.

  “Okay, the better question – does Katie want nachos?” he whispered to the rounded lump. The visible kick of my stomach was all Shane needed. Smiling, he rose off the bed and said, “You don’t have a choice. The baby wants nachos. I’ll be right back.” He bounded down the stairs in search of chips and salsa.

  Sighing, I leaned back against the pillows. This seems so easy, so … so normal. But a pit of doom seemed to be permanently lodged in my stomach. The question is – How long will this normal last?

  Chapter 8

  As the days went by, everything seemed to fall into place. After a satisfactory visit with Dr. Vaughn, I was released from bed rest. That, along with Shane’s slow venture into society, gave us a sense of normalcy. It was easy to fall back into a routine, albeit with caution.

  Shane’s paranoia of the Cruz Cartel never died. While his demeanor slowly returned to normal, there was still a look of unease about him. He was more guarded than he ever was, suspiciously eyeing each passerby and SUV. He accepted Tommy’s presence in my life with apprehension. Truly, Shane had no choice in the matter. Tommy saved my life I wasn’t about to push him away because my boyfriend didn’t like him. If anything, Tommy’s ability to track the Cartel should’ve given Shane a sense of comfort. But that didn’t satisfy him.

  Silence from the Cartel led to a sense of security, but Shane insisted that extra measures needed to take place. Our alarm system was upgraded, motion lights were added to the exterior, and the doors were fitted with security bars. I knew Shane always carried his Glock, although words were never spoken on the subject and it was doubtful he had the proper permits.

  We picked out a new car. Well, a year old black Ford Edge to be exact. Shane wanted me to drive a tank, but an SUV was a good compromise. Shane went back to work at Adrian’s auto and bike repair shop, resuming his late night hours. When he wasn’t working, his spare time was consumed with scouring the Internet for any new information on the Cartel. Always watching, always waiting for something to happen. We had to come up with a plausible story for his return if anyone asked, and being in a federal prison made the most sense. Aside from those in our inner circle, no one else—whether it was from Adrian’s shop, gossip hounds, or the neighbors—knew that Shane had been in the safe house. Some people were skeptical and asked questions, but for the most part, the general public wasn’t concerned with his return.

  Days turned into weeks. Shane and I spent Thanksgiving at Mom’s house, nestled into a coma of roasted turkey, peppery stuffing, and football. It felt good to sit and relax. Between Shane’s work, my busy work schedule, and my all-consuming exhaustion, we rarely spent any real time together. I begged off the family’s annual Black Friday shopping spree and we went home before the tryptophan turned us into zombies.

  Once we were settled in for the night, a new burst of energy kicked in. Ful
ly into my third trimester, I moved slower and had a lot less energy. But my hormones were through the roof and my sexual need was rarely satiated for long. Unfortunately, the big belly made achieving the ultimate goal very awkward. We had to get creative at finding just the right position. In awe of my ever changing body, Shane couldn’t keep his hands off me. I didn’t mind one bit because I craved his touch more than any other craving I’d had.

  I watched Shane as he undressed and climbed into the shower. Desire pooled low in my belly and the need to feel him overwhelmed my control. Stripping quickly, I opened the glass door to the steam shower and joined him under the rain of hot water.

  Wordlessly, I took the soap from his hands and ran the bar over his chiseled pectoral muscles and down his toned abs. The sharp intake of breath between his teeth brought a smile to my face as I placed the soap on the holder and gripped his rigid shaft with one hand. I pulled his face down to mine with my other hand and slid my tongue inside his mouth, stroking his throbbing cock. Shane wrapped his arms around me, crushing me to his chest. The heat from the steam and the slickness between us had my blood boiling. Shane pulled back slightly, disengaging my hand from his erection. Disappointed, I looked up into his hazel eyes.

  “I’m about to burst and when I do, it will be inside you.” His voice low with arousal had me dripping with anticipation. I turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing my towel.

  “I need you inside me,” I said bluntly. The intense ache made my legs clench. I dried off quickly then hurried over to the bed with Shane right on my heels. Grabbing me from behind, his hands quickly went to work, cupping my aching sex in one hand and kneading my breast with his other. His hard need pressed against my behind as I leaned forward on the bed, giving him the opening his needed. Shane’s fingers worked slowly, brushing against my clit, moving the tender nub in a circular motion. My breath hitched as I came closer to exploding. I mewed with frustration as his finger left me only to have him bend me over farther. Holding my hips tightly, he glided his cock inside me. Wet with need, my body expanded to allow his girth to completely fill me. I met every thrust with a push of my own, riding the wave until stars appeared before my eyes. With a scream, I succumbed to the ecstasy and my body went limp with exhaustion.