Broken Promises (The Broken Road Series Book 2) Read online

  Broken Promises

  Book 2 in The Broken Road Series

  Melissa Huie

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2013 (C) by Melissa Huie

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book.

  This e-book is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to an actual event or person—living or dead—is purely coincidental. Names, places, business, characters, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. The author acknowledges the use of trademarked status and trademarks’ owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.



  To my beautiful, amazing, crazy kids – Always chase your dreams. I love you.

  To my wonderful husband – I love you.

  This book is dedicated to my beautiful and loving mom, who I know is watching over us.

  And to my readers – without you – this wouldn’t have been possible. You guys rock. XOXO

  Chapter 1

  Am I dreaming?

  I’ve had a lot of wicked dreams lately. You know the kind. Dreams that seem so real, your breath quickens and your heart pounds. I’m pretty sure I’m not dreaming. The cold rain stings my skin. My shirt is plastered to my body and drops of water bounce off my nose. But dreaming is the only explanation I can fathom. Why else would I be standing in the middle of the street, in the middle of the night? It’s because standing five feet away from me, under the cover of my carport, is a man that everyone believes is dead. I have dreamt of this man for the last five months. The man who is the father of my yet-to-be-born daughter; the same man who has had my heart for the past ten years, is standing in front of me. His body is thinner and drawn, clothes ragged and dirty. His hair is longer and curled at the ends. But his eyes; his eyes are the same shade of beautiful hazel.

  “Shane!” I said. His name came out more like a strangled cry. I rushed up the driveway to him, expecting him to disappear, as he has done in all my other dreams. The hard wall of his chest bounced me back and his strong arms held me tight. I brushed my sopping wet hair out of my eyes and looked up at him, searching for … I don’t know. Something, anything that would confirm that this was another one of my nightmares and that I was completely losing my mind. Instead, my gaze was met by his intense stare. Warmth flooded through me and hope dared to show its head. Screw this. If this is a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up.

  “Please tell me this is real. I can’t handle this if it’s not real.”

  “Baby, if you’re dreaming, so am I,” Shane rasped, his voice husky and thick with emotion. His arms hardened around me even more. “Thank God you’re okay. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” With that, his lips crushed mine. The heat from his kiss, so hot and intense, sent a bolt of electricity down to my toes.

  I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into me. Oh my God. He’s here. He’s really here. I pressed myself as close to him as I could.

  Practically gasping for air, I looked at him in awe. “I can’t believe it. You’re here!” I stuttered.

  “I’m here Baby and I’m not leaving you again. Let’s get inside. You’re freezing,” he murmured. He led me from the cold of the night through the side entrance into the warmth of the mudroom, where a basket of fresh towels sat on top of the dryer.

  “What happened? Are you hurt? Are you okay? They told me … I never thought … I mean … The police couldn’t find … But I always knew …,” I stammered. I couldn’t form a complete sentence, a complete thought. My body trembled, but I needed him to know that I never gave up. That I still loved him and thought of him always. Shane took a towel and briskly rubbed my shoulders and arms as I stood there in a daze. Sensing my disorientation, he wrapped the towel around me and crushed me to his chest. His hazel eyes burned through mine as he cupped my face with his hands.

  “I couldn’t get to you fast enough. Every way I turned led me farther and farther away. I don’t how I made it back. The only thing that kept me going was hoping that you were all right. I love you so much. You don’t know … you just don’t know how you kept you kept me going,” he whispered and lowered his head to mine.

  The feel of his lips, the heat of his breath, pulsed through me like a shot of lightning. I shrugged off my towel and threw my arms around him, responding with everything I had. The pain of losing him, the overwhelming joy of seeing him, the desire that had been suppressed for so long, all these emotions washed over me like a waterfall. I held onto him as if he would disappear at any moment.

  His tongue caressed mine like a familiar dance partner. Breathtaking and sensual, my pulse raced. My blood boiled. Muscular arms held me against his body, as close as we could with this basketball between us. I mentally groaned. It became difficult to keep him close, and the more I tried, the more awkward it felt. Despite our emotions running high, we could no longer ignore the elephant in the room.

  Shane broke off the kiss with a slight chuckle. “I guess we have some talking to do.” Then he noticed my teeth chattering and stopped. “I’ll be right back.” He hurried out of the mudroom.

  Wait. What just happened? Before I could muster up a possible explanation, he bounded down the stairs with my bathrobe. He put his hands down at the hem of my shirt and then thought twice.

  “May I?” he asked, hesitation in his voice. I nodded, too cold to speak while desperately trying to figure out how to say, “Surprise! You’re a father.”

  Shane lifted my shirt over my head. Once it was it off, I watched his eyes rove over my body. I was exposed. Not only was I literally exposing the twenty-five pounds of pregnancy weight that I have gained so far (and not all in my belly, but mostly in my butt and hips), but I was emotionally naked too. Standing before him, I bared my soul, asking him to accept everything, right then and there.

  His eyes widened as he took in the rounded ball of belly that was our daughter. I watched expressions flicker across his face, expressions I couldn’t quite place. What is he thinking? Is he happy? He knows he’s the father right? I couldn’t deal with the silence. I needed to know his reaction.

  “Surprise?” I said weakly. Shane finally let out his infectious laugh and helped me into my robe, then wrapped his arms around me again. I exhaled. So far so good, he didn’t run away screaming.

  Shane rested his forehead on mine. “Extremely surprised. God, Megs, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Exhaustion poured off him and my soul ached. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters. Come on, let’s sit.”

  We moved into the family room, to the sofa. He pulled me into him and we sat in silence for a moment. The last time I saw Shane was right after the FBI stormed into this very house and arrested him for possession of narcotics, distribution, and a whole rap sheet of other criminal charges linking him to a huge drug ring, the Cruz Cartel. The man I saw in shackles in the FBI interrogation room was a whole other side of Shane; a side I never knew existed until that day. Only a few knew the truth—that he dealt drugs for the Cruz Cartel to gain information to help the FBI. I had only learned the truth when Tommy Greene, my ex-fiancée and the FBI agent handling Shane, told me after Shane was placed in protective custody. Knowing the truth, we thought he was safe.
But he wasn’t. The explosion that tore apart his safe house also tore a hole in my soul.

  As elated as I was at having him back, seeing him here sent thousands of questions running through my mind. How did he manage to survive? And most importantly, what is going to happen now? I wrapped my arms around him.

  “They told me you were dead. I never gave up … I didn’t want to believe it,” I whispered. The thought of him dead, which was reality only a few short moments ago, brought a lump to my throat and clenched my heart.

  “It was close. If I had been in the other room, I wouldn’t be standing here right now,” he murmured.

  I gazed into his eyes. “What happened?”

  Shane sighed, a grimace crossed his face, a sure sign he didn’t want to talk about it. But I knew that once the world realized that he’s alive, he would have to rehash everything all over again.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. I had just made a sandwich when I heard some shouting, then gun shots. Next thing I knew, there was a huge explosion. The blast threw me out the glass door. I managed to crawl away and hide under a truck until it was safe enough to move. I waited there and watched the house burn down.”

  My heart stopped. He could have been killed, just like that. “How long were you underneath the truck?”

  “About an hour or so. The house was pretty far away from any main streets, so I waited until I heard the sirens. Once I heard the sirens, I knew that whoever was left would leave.”

  “Did they find you?” The expression on his face answered my question. I twisted my body to face him. “Shane, what happened when they found you?”

  He shook his head. “Megan, it was bad. Please leave it at that. I managed to get away, but not without consequences. A lot went down that night. So much, I’m still trying to process it. I will tell you everything, I promise. I need you to know everything. But right now, I just want to be with you. ” Holding me close, he pressed his lips to my hair. I inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of old leather, dirt, and weariness. His body was fraught with tension and fatigue. My heart ached to see him this way.

  “We don’t have to talk about it now,” I murmured into his chest.

  Shane groaned and pulled me into his lap. “I know. And it’s late. I’m sure you’re tired. I’m practically dead on my feet. I’m sorry I woke you up, but seeing you was my number one priority.” He buried his head in my neck and squeezed me gently.

  “Then let’s go to bed,” I whispered. The most important thing right now is that Shane was home and he was safe. The rest could wait until tomorrow. I got up from his lap and led him upstairs.

  “Hey, Penny. Did you take care of our girl?” Shane said as he gave my dog, Penny, the ear massage that she loves. She closed her eyes blissfully and made a snuffling sound, as if she were purring.

  “Yes, she took care of your girls. Both of us,” I corrected gently, as I took out some of his clothing I had stored.

  Shane’s mouth gaped open. “A girl? Really?” He took the clothes from my hands and tugged me into his arms. “She’s going to be a handful, just like you. You know that right?” he teased, as his lips brushed mine.

  I was lighter than air. And completely exhausted. I broke the kiss off with a yawn.

  “Yes, a girl. I’ll tell you all about her in a minute. But go get cleaned up so we can go to bed.” I gently pushed him toward the bathroom. Shane gave me a tired grin.

  “I haven’t had a decent shower in ages.” He kissed me lightly and headed into the bathroom.

  I can’t believe he’s back. Shane’s alive. But as much as I wanted to be elated and excited, my brain cautioned me otherwise. Ever since the night my ex-fiancée and the Agent in Charge of this case, Tommy Greene, told me that Shane was instrumental in taking down the Cruz Cartel, I had a feeling of dread. Once the Cartel realized my connection to Shane, the threat to our lives was real. After I had the unfortunate experience of being at the end of a Cartel member’s fist, Tommy put my mother and me into hiding at his house in Deep Creek Lake, with hopes that the Cartel wouldn’t find me. Somehow, they did. There was a car crash and a gun fight between the Cartel and the FBI with me caught in the middle. I killed a man that night. The man was one of the leaders in the gang, the one who told me that Shane was dead. My life was spared thanks to the heroic efforts of Kate Parker, Tommy’s partner.

  Tommy Greene. What would he think of Shane being back? Despite our history and his personal distaste for Shane, Tommy would be happy for me. He helped me recover after the incident in Deep Creek Lake, both mentally and emotionally. But he’s FBI, always has been, and always will be. He would put the Cartel business first and foremost. Tommy would sequester Shane, separating us.

  Last month, Tommy had told me that the threat was still out there; that the Cartel would be looking for revenge for the killings of two of their men. But because of the shakeup and the subsequent arrests that the FBI and the DEA made, the Cartel was running scared and I was low on their list of priorities. That will surely change once word gets out that Shane is back. Lost in thought, I didn’t know Shane walked back into the room until he brushed my hair away from my shoulder.

  “Baby? Are you okay?” he asked, his hazel eyes filled with concern. I smiled weakly.

  “I’m shocked that you’re still here. And to be honest, I’m waiting for you to disappear like you have all the other times,” I said. Pent up emotion coursed through me and tears ran down my cheeks before I even realized they were there. Shane sat beside me, cradled my face with his large calloused hands, and stared into my eyes.

  “I know, baby. I know. I’m here. And there is nothing in this world that will make me leave you again.”

  I tried to stay in control, but those words, his voice, his gaze made every overwhelming emotion consume me. Sobs racked my body. With every shaky breath and every tear, I felt his heartbeat next to mine as he held me tight. He stroked my back and whispered that he was here and everything would be all right. As I started to calm down, hope took hold. We will be fine. And Shane was home. I raised my head and stared into his beautiful hazel eyes. His anguish, heartache, and still-present passion shined brightly. I pulled him down to me and pressed my lips to his.

  He kissed me back with everything he had, awakening my fervor that had been dormant for so long. His tongue caressed mine. His hands drew back my bathrobe and wrapped his arms securely around me, pressing me as close to his chest as my belly would allow. I was dying inside, I needed him closer. I needed to touch him, to feel him, to have him touch me. It had been so long since we’d made love and, although I’ve gotten some needed release with the help of my purple friend, I craved Shane.

  I raked my nails down his back and gently edged his gray boxers down around his hips. He groaned as my fingers traced the trail of hair down, circling his thick cock. My pulse raced and I tilted back as his mouth grazed my neck. I was flying. His hands, so calloused and strong, made me feel so damn good. Then suddenly—I gasped in pain.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, worried. “Did I hurt you? Did I hurt the baby?”

  I sucked in a sharp breath. The baby had her foot wedged in my ribcage so hard I could barely breathe. I nudged him away and managed to wheeze, “I need to stand up.”

  Shane gently drew me up as if I were glass. I pushed his hands away and massaged my side while I walked around the room.

  “Megan? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  I chuckled, at the same time feeling bad for him. He didn’t know all the quirks that come with pregnancy.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Little Miss decided that my ribs make for a great foot rest. Give me a minute, I’ll work her down.”

  His concerned look faded into his beautiful smile. “See. I told you. Already giving you hell.”

  I grunted and kept massaging my side. That was pretty much the most effective cold shower I’ve ever had. Nothing says “no sex” like a baby kicking your butt from the inside. After getting comfortable again, I sat back down on the bed and leaned m
y head against Shane’s shoulder.

  “We really should get to bed,” he whispered. I nodded, my eyes heavy with exhaustion. He smiled as he got up, pulled out from the bureau his worn, faded red hockey practice shirt for me to sleep in, then chuckled loudly.

  “Since when did you start wearing granny panties?” Shane asked, holding up a pair of full coverage briefs.

  “Since I’m all about comfort now. Besides, who’s going to see me in my drawers? The doctor? I don’t think I’m her type,” I quipped, as I snatched the offending pair out of his hands. Shane couldn’t stop laughing as he helped me put them on. I rolled my eyes and climbed into bed. I didn’t want to tell him that I had gained so much weight in my butt that the nice undies kept riding up. I was mortified as it was.

  I rolled onto my side and scooted closer to him than I would have thought possible. As if he’d been doing it all along, Shane nestled up to me and wrapped his arm around my belly. Our daughter. For the first time in a long time, my heart filled with hope. I closed my eyes in disbelief and thanked the heavens.

  “Your ass better be here when I wake up,” I grumbled.

  “Baby, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter 2

  ”Don’t fucking touch me!”

  A shout pierced my subconscious and yanked me out of my blissful dream. Panicked, I sat up looked around. Shane moaned, writhing in his sleep.

  “Baby, it’s okay. It’s just a dream.” I brushed the hair from my eyes and placed my hand on his chest. His body jerked as if stung with an electric shock, and he shot out of bed, falling into a defensive stance.

  “Shane. It’s me, Megan! You’re home! Don’t you remember?” I quickly asked, my heart pounding. I wanted to comfort him, to calm him down. Shane’s eyes darted around the room as if looking for some kind of threat. Penny let out a low growl and jumped up on the bed, putting herself between Shane and me.